To the light, ever to the light…

(little blonde reflections for everyday use)

“8:35am Cynicis…

Cynicism and sarcasm have no place in a world of HOPE.
They restrict progress, perpetuating stereotype and chaining minds to bitter perspectives.
Abandon these easy mockeries of personal opinion for a freer mind, and a world full of possibility. Take advantage of your great worth and ability to change your world–leave cynicism and sarcasm behind.
Embrace HOPE.
Give people a light to follow.”

Thoughts from my little blonde head…#3

“10:31am Every …

Every day is an opportunity to create yourself anew.

Friends and family will doubt, they will say it won’t last. People who know you will be skeptical, if only because they aren’t sure they’d ever be strong enough to do it themselves. But you are.
You ARE.
And you will prove them all wrong, to their surprise and delight, by your utter commitment to yourself. Because you know that you can do better. And you will do better.

Don’t give up, loves. Don’t give in. And don’t accede to the doubts of the many who have not your heart, your perseverance…prove them all wrong. And be the happier and stronger for it. And be a proven light to others.”

Quotes from my little blonde head…#2

“I love this bi…

“I love this bit, because, in a book that most people expect to be perfect, the writer is blatantly telling you that he is not perfect, and his story–an account of that imperfection–is not either. The passage openly points that its purpose lies not in comforting people with pristine, frilly, shiny, immaculate fairy tales, but rather, in giving an open account of the repercussions of very real, very imperfect people making very human choices. It then asks us to thank God for preserving the records so that we, today, can read them and not make the same mistakes. I like that.

31 Condemn me not because of mine imperfection, neither my father, because of his imperfection, neither them who have written before him; but rather give thanks unto God that he hath made manifest unto you our imperfections, that ye may learn to be more wise than we have been.”

Thoughts from my little blonde head…#1

“He knew there’…

“He knew there’d be moments when no earthly voice could take away your sorrow, and no human eyes could see what you’re going through. When you’ve taken your last step, and done all that you can do, he will lift your heavy load and carry you.”

Hilary Weeks